Terry Bresnick


Terry Bresnick is the former CEO, President, and co-founder of Innovative Decisions, Inc. and is President of Innovative Decision Analysis. He has more than 40 years of experience applying decision analysis to complex problems of government and industry. First, as an officer in the U.S. Army (10 years active duty, 18 years Reserves), and currently, as a consultant in the private sector, Mr. Bresnick serves clients in the areas of decision analysis, risk analysis, strategic planning, resource allocation, budgetary analysis, evaluation of competing alternatives, and cost-benefit analysis. He has helped clients make informed decisions by facilitating more than 1200 decision conferences, workshops, and seminars. Terry is a past recipient of the David Rist Prize by the Military Operations Research Society (MORS), has had three Best Decision Analysis Working Group Papers at MORS, and has been runner-up in the INFORMS DAS annual Best Application competition. He is a co-author of the Handbook of Decision Analysis published in March 2013, The FOCCUSSED Decision Maker in 2016, and has published numerous articles in refereed journals as well as book chapters.

He currently serves on several advisory boards, is a Fellow in the Society for Decision Professionals, a Certified Analytics Professional (CAP), a Certified Financial Planner, and a Professional Engineer. He has been an Assistant Professor of Systems and Decision Analysis at the U.S. Military Academy and is currently an Adjunct Instructor in Decision Models at the University of Arkansas.

Terry holds the Degree of Engineer in Engineering-Economic Systems and an M.S. in Statistics, both from Stanford University; an M.B.A. in Decision Science from George Mason University; and a B.S. in Engineering from the U.S. Military Academy.

Terry lives in Boca Raton, Florida with his wife Andrea.  He has three daughters and three grandchildren.

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